
Some barriers to communication result from the interpersonal skills of the individuals involved. Each person’s level of self-esteem and their degree of confidence will be portrayed to others by the communication signals they display. It will also be relected in the attitude they adopt during the exchange.

An aggressive attitude that may be intended by the communicator to display confidence may be interpreted as arrogance. Their nonverbal signals may be seen as an attempt to hide their lack of knowledge. The aggressive attitude might also be a way of showing how stressed they are in their current role and that any further demands on that person’s time is just too much for them to cope with.

To be an effective communicator you must also be conscious of your own bias, which can influence how you respond in an exchange. This may not be an informed bias: it may be based merely on your own experiences or knowledge base. If you don’t open your mind to listen carefully to what is being said and objectively assess what you hear your bias will persist and could become a barrier to the communication process.

Developing your own questioning, analytical, and listening skills is essential if you want to communicate successfully and will have a direct impact on your career development.

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