Prueba de certificación de español general (PCEG)

You are about to start the Prueba de certificación de español general (General Spanish Certification Test, PCEG). This test evaluates your Spanish vocabulary, grammar, comprehension and communication skills. The test is completely text-based and you need neither a microphone nor speakers. Please make sure to use a stable internet connection during the test execution. The […]

Prueba de certificación de español de negocios (PCEN)

You are about to start the Prueba de certificación de español de negocios (Business Spanish Certification Test, PCEN). This test evaluates your business Spanish vocabulary, grammar, comprehension and communication skills. The test is completely text-based and you need neither a microphone nor speakers. Please make sure to use a stable internet connection during the test […]

Certificat de français général (CFG)

You are about to start the Certification de français général (General French Certification Test, CFG). This test evaluates your French vocabulary, grammar, comprehension and communication skills. The test is completely text-based and you need neither a microphone nor speakers. Please make sure to use a stable internet connection during the test execution. The test contains […]

Certificat de français des affaires (CFA)

You are about to start the Certification de français des affaire (Business French Certification Test, CFA). This test evaluates your business French vocabulary, grammar, comprehension and communication skills. The test is completely text-based and you need neither a microphone nor speakers. Please make sure to use a stable internet connection during the test execution. The […]

Deutsches Sprachzertifikat für den Beruf (DSZ-B)

You are about to start the Deutsches Sprachzertifikat für den Beruf (Business German Language Certificate, DSZ-B). This test evaluates your business German vocabulary, grammar, comprehension and communication skills. The test is completely text-based and you need neither a microphone nor speakers. Please make sure to use a stable internet connection during the test execution. The […]

Deutsches Sprachzertifikat (DSZ)

You are about to start the Deutsches Sprachzertifikat (German Language Certificate, DSZ). This test evaluates your German vocabulary, grammar, comprehension and communication skills. The test is completely text-based and you need neither a microphone nor speakers. Please make sure to use a stable internet connection during the test execution. The test contains 40 multiple-choice questions. […]

Business English Certification Test (BECT)

You are about to start the Business English Certification Test (BECT). The test evaluates your English vocabulary, grammar, comprehension and communication skills in a business context. The test is completely text-based and you need neither a microphone nor speakers. Please make sure to use a stable internet connection during the test execution. The test contains […]

General English Certification Test (GECT)

You are about to start the General English Certification Test (GECT). This test evaluates your English vocabulary, grammar, comprehension and communication skills. The test is completely text-based and you need neither a microphone nor speakers. Please make sure to use a stable internet connection during the test execution. The test contains 40 multiple-choice questions. Please […]